Thursday, September 17, 2009

MP3 Making

Cool Video. Havent had much time to update this thing....
past month in a a flash:
-dj'd for kogi bbq from twitter @kogibbq
-dj'd at ecco ultra lounge in hollywood
-started shcool
-been busy

Now: looking for a job.
Booking more gigs.
Doing random stuff
the girl
frisbee & basketball
random stuff

.... Im currently trying to throw a party. so be on the lookout. I have venues, I just need money. If your interested in throwing a party with me, shoot me some info. And I'll get you on. I need investors, so if your intesrested, shoot me a message via this, myspace, facebook, etc.
Let me know. this is serious. I wanna bring parties back to the valley.

In all other news...
Sept 18 - DJing for H. Ent
Sept 19 - Private Party
Oct 2 - Tanzore - Beverly Hills

I'll try and update more. Ive just been busy.
Stay Tuned.

P.s. add the twitter @DJCEEEJ